I posted to social media isn't that enough?

In a world where social justice movements have gained momentum, it is crucial to understand the difference between performative activism and genuine, impactful action. We are going to take a look at Performative Activism what does it really look like and what can we do to actually move the dial forward?

What is Performative Activism? Performative activism, also known as slacktivism or armchair activism, refers to engaging in actions that provide the appearance of supporting a cause without actively working towards substantive change. It often involves surface-level actions such as sharing social media posts, signing online petitions, or participating in short-lived trends, but fails to address the root causes of social issues or challenge systemic structures.

we have all seen it most recently in the wake of the murder of George Floyd when our social media paged were flooded with little black squares or friends and family posted how shocked and saddened they were but no further action was taken.

Now I am not saying it’s all bad. While performance activism may help raise awareness to some extent and generate temporary buzz or attention around a cause, it is often criticized for lacking sustained impact and failing to bring about substantial, tangible change. Here are some key aspects and critiques of performance activism:

  1. Low Barrier to Entry: Performance activism typically involves actions that require little effort, time, or personal investment. Clicking a button or sharing a post can create a sense of participation and involvement. Still, it often translates into something other than meaningful, long-term engagement with the issues at hand. This low barrier to entry can give individuals a false sense of accomplishment and prevent them from actively working towards systemic change.

  2. Shallow Engagement: Performance activism tends to focus on surface-level actions without addressing the underlying complexities of social issues. It often needs a deeper understanding of the root causes, historical context, and systemic nature of the problems being addressed. By reducing complex issues to simplified slogans or viral trends, performance activism may oversimplify or trivialize the struggles of marginalized communities.

  3. Limited Impact: While raising awareness is an important component of activism, performance activism often needs to translate into concrete action or sustained engagement to stop at awareness. It can create a sense of accomplishment or moral superiority without leading to meaningful change. This limited impact can undermine efforts to address systemic issues and perpetuate the status quo.

  4. Dilution of Resources: The ease and accessibility of performance activism can divert attention and resources away from more substantial and impactful forms of activism. It can create a false sense of progress or accomplishment, leading individuals to believe they have contributed to social change without actively challenging the structures that uphold inequality and injustice.

  5. Lack of Accountability: Performance activism may allow individuals to feel good about themselves without holding themselves accountable for the deeper, ongoing work required for social change. It can give the impression of allyship or activism without confronting personal biases, engaging in challenging conversations, or actively supporting marginalized communities in meaningful ways.

It is important to note that performance activism should not be dismissed outright, as it can raise awareness and create initial conversations around important issues. However, to effectively address social problems and promote meaningful change, performance activism should be accompanied by sustained engagement, education, dialogue, and active efforts to challenge and dismantle systemic barriers and injustices. So how do we take the next step and move our activism from performative to impactful?

Here are some tips

  1. Educate Yourself: Authentic activism begins with education. Take the time to learn about the root causes, historical context, and systemic nature of the social issues you are passionate about. Dive into books, documentaries, and resources that provide diverse perspectives and challenge your biases. An informed activist is a powerful force for change.

  2. Amplify Marginalized Voices: True activism involves centering and uplifting the voices of those directly affected by the issues. Listen attentively to the experiences, insights, and needs of marginalized communities. Share their stories, art, and perspectives, giving them the platform they deserve. Remember, it is not about speaking for them but amplifying their voices.

  3. Take Meaningful Action: Move beyond symbolic gestures and take meaningful action. Engage in direct service, volunteer work, or advocacy that aligns with your values. Support grassroots organizations, participate in community initiatives, or collaborate with like-minded individuals to create real change at the local level.

  4. Reflect and Challenge Yourself: Genuine activism requires ongoing self-reflection and the willingness to challenge your biases and privileges. Examine your attitudes and behaviors, and actively work to dismantle any harmful beliefs or actions. Engage in uncomfortable conversations, listen with an open mind, and remain receptive to learning and growth.

  5. Support Structural Change: Addressing systemic issues necessitates advocacy for policy changes and structural reform. Support organizations and campaigns working towards dismantling oppressive systems and creating equitable frameworks. Get involved in lobbying efforts, support candidates committed to social justice, and use your voice to advocate for structural change.

You don’t have to dive head first and take all these actions simultaneously because that can cause burnout; instead, pick one or two and implement them into your life consistently. It might seem like nothing if we all do this in our spheres, but this sustained effort will move the dial of equity in the right direction.


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